Monday, March 19, 2018

New Journey Started on the New Year

My journey started two months ago, when I had decided to...really truly...start my business TresjolieART. Which is a home based business in the comforts of my own home. It is better because I am a mother of an autism child; whom, is now 4 years old & counting. I never knew when I planned this business that I would be a mother on top of it. Which is also a journey as well...especially her (my daughter) being autism.

TresjolieART is a craft hobby turned into a business. Something that I would love to do. TresjolieART is handmade items made by me; of course, of paper bead jewelry, crochet & fine well as other crafty talented items made by recyclable home items; like, plastic bags, etc. Also, other craft things like polymer clay, etc. Please check on my website that I made myself on Also check out my Etsy shop named TresjolieART.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Life Has Changed!

I haven't been on here for a long time, once again. After I have explain myself about everything that went on with me. The last time I wrote on this blog, was on December 29, 2013. Wow, about four or five years ago. I did explain that I am a mom to a baby girl. Well, my baby girl is now 3 years old. And is diagnosis with autism in the summer of 2016. And also since last week, my daughter got diagnosis of asthma. Yes; all have changed, but I haven't been saying everything about just wise. During the time I was pregnant, I was also carrying a virus called HIV. Yes, I am a woman living with HIV for the passed four years. In July 1 will be fours years. This blog was for the life of me being an artist. Which it is; but, I want to be honest on here as well. Everyone, on my Facebook, knows about it. So, it's nothing new. But it's new here...on blogger. I'm explaining myself on here about it because I don't want no one who may have HIV/AIDS to don't be ashamed at all. We have treatment to live a long health life. Anyway, I am still working on my website to sell my artwork. And this time, I'm serious!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

What I Been Through to Now

I been through a lot in my life started a year ago 2012 when my mom got very sick with cancer (bone, brain and lung). And at that her husband kick me out of his house while she was sick and she agree to it but that's because she believed from her husband that I had sex in the house. So I was homeless by the side of my boyfriend. For about a whole month, I was so upset and mad of my mom believing her husband instead of her child. But I couldn't be mad at her for so long because she was so sick and couldn't think of her own decisions. So me and my boyfriend slept on cold floors at a church for about 9 months in 2012. In December 2012, we (me and my boyfriend) was lucky to stay in a couple shelter for almost a year, thanks to my boyfriend getting me pregnant, I gotten my own place for me and my baby girl. But it was so weird how I got pregnant. My mom died in January 2013 of cancer, and in Febraury 2013 I found out I was going to be a mom soon. So I had a baby belly in a shelter. In September 24, 2013 I give birth to a beautiful baby girl name Nizhoni Sequoia Nash. Now I am bless to have a home of my own by the help of staff and case manager in a couple shelter called "Progress Haven". When I got homeless, I learned a lot from people that was homeless and also from a church who taught me how to crochet, and they help me sale my paper bead jewelry. Now its the new year, I want the best for me and my daughter.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

How to draw a portrait without smudging? This Youtube clip will show you how!

A subscriber on my Youtube channel wanted me to show her how to draw a portrait without smudging. Its a hard techique to do. I had to research myself how to do it because before I use to draw portraits while smudging them. So, I had to do alot of practice. Here what I did to do it. Hope you enjoy the clip, and please check out my Youtube channel.

Introducing my TresjolieART Tv on Youtube

I came up with an idea last year of selling my artwork online. First thing first, I thought to start doin this on Youtube, and then myspace, and now I am searching, and reading a book about making your own website. If you know about create a website for free or not, please let me know. But I want to show you my introduction on TresjolieART on Youtube. I hope you like it. And check out my channel.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Welcome to my Blog!

Thank you for checking up on me, and following my blogs! I am on here to sell art that I create on my free time, and sell request portraits drawings. For right now, I don't know how much I would sell the request portraits. But, I tell you one thing...I am working on that. I just hope you help me with telling other about what I am doing. I have a youtube page that I will be showing and promote my art selling. I want you to check it out. I will try my best to update my blog every chance I get.... Like I said...I am goin to school. Anywho.... Go to youtube, and type the word "tresjolieart."